(LV) LDS BD 2016 Augstskolu konkursa darbu galerija

ID 469 Diāna Jurkeviča

Contemporary trends in the interior design of a public library

The object is located in Jūrmala. It is an abandoned bus station that is not currently in use. The building has now been adapted to be used as a public library. Thereby, the renovation and maintaining of the building would develop and increase the general cultural quality and lifelong learning of local society. The main concept was to create a library that is functional, contemporary and relevant to creativity. The main aspect of the public library is that the functional plan allows readers to freely choose where to read a book. The reader can feel free in the space, have a clear view and choose a place to read, study or meet. Books can be read in a specially designed place as well as in the lobby area, the exhibition hall or the meeting room.


460 m2


Diāna Jurkeviča

Author contacts:

Author(s): Diāna Jurkeviča
Author's e-mail: diana.capture@gmail.com
Author's company: Latvijas Universitāte; Pedagoģijas, psiholoģijas un mākslas fakultāte; profesionālā bakalaura studiju programma "Māksla"; Interjera dizains

Teacher (for school competition):

prof. dizaina maģ. Ilze Biezā; sert.arh.maģ. Jānis Mežulis

School information:

Teacher's name: Diāna Jurkeviča