(LV) LDS BD 2016 Augstskolu konkursa darbu galerija

SD 478 Kārlis Kārkliņš

Zooplanktoni encyclopaedia for youngsters

The Zooplanktoni encyclopaedia for young people is part of a bachelor's thesis carried out in the Faculty of Education, Psychology and Art (professional bachelor's study programme in art, graphic design speciality) at the University of Latvia. The author has created a prototype for a scientific encyclopaedia about zooplankton that is aimed at a young audience. The illustrations of the zooplankton are created using 3D graphical modelling, a method that offers new possibilities in illustrations for editions of an encyclopaedic nature. The book is developed in collaboration with the Latvian Institute of Aquatic Ecology.


A4 formāts

Author contacts:

Author(s): Kārlis Kārkliņš
Author's e-mail: karklinskarlis1993@gmail.com
Author's company: Latvijas Universitāte. Pedagoģijas, Psiholoģijas un Mākslas fakultāte. Profesionālā bakalaura studiju programma "Māksla".

Teacher (for school competition):

Aivars Plotka, Mag. art

School information:

Teacher's name: Latvijas Universitāte. Pedagoģijas, Psiholoģijas un Mākslas fakultāte. Profesionālā bakalaura studiju programma "Māksla".