(LV) LDS BD 2016 darbu galerija

VD 430 projekta autors - Deivids Kuks (David Cook), būvprojekta vadītājs - Juris poga, stūklaku tehnoloģijas izstrāde - Gints Jaudzems, apstādījumu koncepcijas autores - Linda Zaļā, Ilze Rukšāne, Madara Lezdiņa

Landscaping of public amenities for the “Fregate VALZIVS” fountain and main city square in Ventspils

Ventspils' “Lielais laukums” (Great Square) constitutes a new symbol and centre of the city. Its design concept offers a modern and comfortable environment for both leisure and celebrations of important events. The dynamic design and terrain of the square has been inspired by the artistic synergy of water and wind. The design emphasis is placed on the “Fregate VALZIVS” fountain. The sculptural outline of the fountain depicts the effigy of Duke Jacob’s frigate Wallfisch, which was built in the Ventspils shipyard in 1644, translating the configuration of its masts and superstructure into a modern object of the urban environment. The fountain's varied water programme, spacious basin and nighttime illumination create a visually attractive and dynamic image of the square.


Lielā laukuma platība - 31 163 m2


Juris Presņikovs

Author contacts:

Author(s): projekta autors - Deivids Kuks (David Cook), būvprojekta vadītājs - Juris poga, stūklaku tehnoloģijas izstrāde - Gints Jaudzems, apstādījumu koncepcijas autores - Linda Zaļā, Ilze Rukšāne, Madara Lezdiņa
Author's e-mail: info@haascookzemmrich.com
Author's company: projekta autors - Haascookzemmrich STUDI2050, ģenerālprojektētājs - SIA "Arhitekta J.Pogas birojs",strūklaku tehnoloģija - SIA "Akvedukts", apstādījumu koncepcija - SIA “ZALA landscape arhitecture”, SIA “apdALPS”
Author's website: http://www.haascookzemmrich.com

School information:

Teacher's name: Ventspils pilsētas pašvaldības iestāde "Komunālā pārvalde"