During the lunch break at work to prepare the site to pick up products is becoming increasingly popular trend. Preparing food in business premises is important amount of dish and their functionality. "Flote" consists of a large salad bowl with a support stave. It is easy to prepare and serve meals in a such container. Kitchen stave is functionally suitable for salad bowl and dish, to facilitate the cutting process. Bowls form address different variations. Work significantly shaped and technology experiments.
Materials: casting pigmented rock mass, glaze, wood
8 priekšmeti
Jānis Brants
Author(s): Līva Elza Harkeviča
Author's e-mail: lielha@inbox.lv
Author's company: PIKC RDMV
Author's website: http://nav
Daina Zvanītāja, Esmeralda Purvišķe
Teacher's name: PIKC RDMV