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Project delivery deadline: 30 November 2014
Total prize money: � 10,000
Porada Furniture Ltd, a leading company in the production of furnishing accessories and POLI.design Consorzio del Politecnico di Milano, under the patronage of ADI, the Association for Industrial Design, launch PORADA INTERNATIONAL DESIGN AWARD 2014 the new edition of the international competition which this year has the “mirror” as its theme.
The new challenge for Italian and foreign designers and creative people (individuals or groups), professionals or non-professionals, corporate employees and students is to identify innovative and original concepts for different types of mirror (table mirrors, all types of wall mirrors, objects, structures or accessories to furniture, freestanding or built into a cabinet, whose dominant element is made of a reflective surface), in which the use of wood is prevalent, but not exclusive and which convey the values and identity of the Porada brand.
Projects for the 2014 competition are to be submitted by 30 November 2014. They must be original, unpublished and aimed at enhancing the use of technology and production and finishing processes typically used for working with solid wood. The wood may be combined with metal, glass and other materials. The projects should also take into account compliance with specific functionality, existing legislation on safety and ergonomic, environmental and sustainable design.
The jury will choose three winners for each of the two categories (Students and Professionals) in the competition who will receive their awards at a dedicated event.
The total prize money of 10,000 Euros will be allocated as follows:
1st prize � 3,000
2nd prize � 2,000
3rd prize � 1,000
STUDENT Category:
1st prize � 2,000
2nd prize � 1,200
3rd prize � 800
The winning projects of the competition will also be made and possibly produced by Porada at a later stage.
Press Release in attachment.
For more details on how to participate or to submit an application, designers and creative professionals, both Italian and foreign should consult the announcement on the site www.porada.it →